Bereaved Mothers Day

Bereaved Mothers Day

First Sunday in May: International Mother’s Day for relatives

When April rolls around, marketers get to work. With Mother’s Day still a month away, promotional content naturally starts pouring out on social media, our TV screens, our targeted ads (while the paid advertising specialists get it wrong) and on every sign we drive by. our way of working. Bereaved Mothers Day
Mother’s Day can be a wonderful day for some, but for others it can also be an extremely challenging time.

What is Mother’s Day for relatives?

Mother’s Day for relatives takes place every year on the first Sunday in May. This day is basically honors to the mothers who have suffered miscarriage, stillbirth, sudden infant death or any form of pregnancy and infant loss. Yes, there is also Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day – but that is more a day of remembrance for the little ones who died than a day to honor the mothers of those children.

How did that day come?

International Mother’s Day for relatives has not been around as long as you might think. It’s actually a relatively new calendar date, created in 2010 (pardon the irony) by a woman named Carly Marie Dudley.

Carly had given birth to a stillborn son named Christian and wanted to find a way to recognize those who have lost children and make sure they know they are not alone.

She dedicated the International Mother’s Day for Survivors to every mother who felt neglected on traditional Mother’s Day. We think it’s a great initiative.
. International Mother’s Day is meant to be a temporary movement. It is a heart-centered effort to make Bereaved Mother’s Day official for all mothers.

I believe we can do this and that it this day sometime in the near future will no longer be necessary at all because all mothers will be recognized, loved, supported and celebrated,” Carly said so eloquently.

How do I recognize the day?

If you want to support a loved one, we recommend that you:
• Call or text them on check-in day. Ask how they are and invite them for a walk, a cup of coffee or lunch.
• Donate to an organization that fights miscarriage, premature loss, stillbirth or infant death. We recommend a visit to Pink Elephants and Red Nose Australia, but don’t forget to do your research beforehand!
• Arrange a morning tea or afternoon tea – we make no difference between morning and afternoon! If you feel comfortable, invite your loved one to talk about their experiences with pregnancy and/or child loss. This can be a powerful way to raise awareness and money for organizations in need.
If you will want to find a way to raise awareness and mark the day you note your own loss, we recommend that you:

Bereaved Mothers Day

• Note two and three point mentioned in the section above.

• You will have to do Quick Google search to discover but attend International Mother’s Day events for bereaved families near you.

• If you feel comfortable, contact a podcast, digital magazine or TV station to share your experience. And if you’re not quite up to it, you can share your story through your own social media channels. While this is an incredible challenge (and God, we definitely don’t expect you to!), sharing your story can be an incredible way to raise awareness


There are so many ways to recognize International Bereaved Mother’s Day. The most important thing is that you at least recognize it. We still have a long way to go for all mothers to feel supported in May.

HOW TO celebrate #InternationalBereavedMothersDay
This is a day when mothers who have lost a child should realize that they will remain mothers forever. It is also a day of healing and recovery.

On this day, many grieving mothers come into contact with each other. Family members are also encouraged to place flowers on their child’s grave, clean the urn or light a candle in memory.
It is also a day to show consideration for friends or family members who have lost a child. If you know someone who has lost a child or lost the dream of becoming a mother, send them a message of encouragement or give them a hug


Carlie Marie Dudley founded International Bereaved Mother’s Day in 2010. She started the day to honor her stillborn son, Christian. Carlie is from Australia. Since its inception, the day has helped grieving mothers around the world connect, heal and find hope for their future.


May 1, 2022
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May 5, 2024

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How to celebrate Mother’s Day

1. Be sensitive
Do you know someone who has lost a child? Send them flowers, a nice note or a warm hug today. This makes them feel special and loved.
2. Listen to a grieving mother
If you don’t know what to say, go to where the person is. People who are grieving often find it difficult to find people who will listen to them. Ask open-ended questions and give them space to talk.
3. Find support groups
Reach out to others with the same experience. Connecting with others can bring healing. there is no one should have to go through this alone.

Bereaved Mothers Day


1. It’s more common than you think

About 10 to 15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.
2. Watch out for these symptoms
Cramps and bleeding in early pregnancy are the most common symptoms.
3. Don’t blame yourself
Often there was nothing else a woman could have done to prevent a miscarriage.
4. Reactions may vary, but all are normal
Some women mourn the loss, while others with unplanned pregnancies may feel relief.
5. You can get pregnant again
Most women who miscarry can get pregnant again and have healthy babies.

WHY it is IMPORTANT to mourn Mother’s Day

1. It’s an inclusive, sensitive day
We are all for celebrating special days. Especially those involving people whose stories aren’t in the spotlight as much as they should be. Bereaved Mothers Day
2. It is a day of healing
Healing is an ongoing process. Still, it’s always good to spend a day sharing and repairing.
3. It is a remembrance and a celebration

The loss of a child is one of the most devastating experiences a mother can have. It can be a lonely and isolating experience as many people do not know how to support someone grieving the loss of a child. International Bereaved Mother’s Day gives mothers an opportunity to connect with others who have had similar experiences, share stories and offer comfort and support.

Carly Marie wrote about the importance of International Mother’s Day to grieving families: “Traditional Mother’s Day has proven to be an emotionally draining day for so many mothers around the world. Every year on Mother’s Day, we come together to celebrate our connection, our babies and children, and our hopes for the future.” click for more

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